My Kids Drive Me Crazy and Wild

"Thing is, I'm all burn out. I just have to take a sigh every time and let my hair fall out. These kids are driving me crazy and wild."

I just have to take a sigh and forget that I am all tired and needing sleep. But sometimes, I have to shout. I yell it out and I get mad. I am no perfect. I'm taking things so hard at times. And it doesn't happen to only me, we know it's quite a reality but the thought of yelling at kids are sickening for some who aims to be a perfect mom. Who judge fearlessly as if they got a badge in their faces that say, "I'm the BESTEST MOM in the WORLD". Oh yes, keep it all yours and fly high with that in your face and look down to everybody that doesn't fit the way you raise your kids. Nuff said. Cheers!


Life is wonderful. It's great to live life with love and all other good things will follow. But apart from knowing love and how to give love in return, I would like to teach my kids a lesson to learn how to live life and survive it without me but the world and the people around them that will let them see and deal the real (and cruel) world everybody lives in.
And here's the three important things they must learn:

1. Respect
Learning how to respect others apart from their mommy and daddy is a very great thing. Respect goes a long way. As others will say, "Respect is earned, not given (or not demanded)." True. I would like my kids to know how to give respect so they earn the same respect. Hopefully they can give more of what they can earn. Because giving, is another thing.

2. Giving or generosity
Giving materials is good. But knowing how to give time and effort are much worth it. I like my kids to learn to give time to visit the sick and give something from what they have to the needy. They will never know what blessing awaits from being generous with their time and sharing what they have even in a very small gesture.
"Give and you shall receive." -- is what I want them to put in their minds and learn it from their heart. They must learn to give with all their heart but never forget to be wise.

3. Be Wise.
The world today is a never ending battle between evil and kind. They must learn to fight with wisdom. Our kids are naive. When they grow up, they must determine who are being sincere and who are only taking advantage of their kindness and love. They deserve people who will give them pure love, respect and generosity without asking in return. Because in the end, love is what matters the most and they will need wisdom to get what they deserve, and it's the pure and unconditional love.


My kids dragged me, pulled my shirt (asking for breast milk), cried for carry, ran from here and there as I follow wherever. I have a baby and a toddler by the way. Both are boys. Grocery shopping with them drove me crazy tired even for just an hour. My hair got messier, I got shirt stains. And by no means they kept on putting unnecessary stuff in the basket and I ended up budget short in the counter. Imagine that.

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